Tuesday 25 March 2014

No-Buy Month?

Have you ever had that panicked feeling of having too much makeup that you wonder how on earth can you finish them all, but yet you still feel the uncontrollable urge to continue buying more?

Yes? No?

Well, I hope you said yes so at least I won’t feel so alone…

I keep telling myself that I am imposing a No-Buy Month for myself and I do so well for the first couple of weeks and then I either: 

A) Stumble across a sale and convince myself that I am saving money while purchasing backups (I’m looking at you SASA!!) or B) Heard about an awesome beauty site that sells affordable makeup and that ships internationally (it was Beautyjoint)

I just need to practice self-control and I know I can do it! I don’t need backups for backups…you know what I mean? Of course I don’t have a crap ton of products, it’s just my collection is at a VERY healthy stage. Maybe a little too healthy?

Ok, I really should stop buying more products and be stricter about implementing a ‘one out, one in’ policy, or rather, ‘two out, one in’?

So I’m announcing it here that I will be on a No-Buy Month (actually I’m aiming for 2 months) starting April till end of May…Dear God, please give me the strength and willpower to get through it! 

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